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It's Women's History Month and we're honoring women who redefine what it means to be successful.
Lately, my Whatsapp group of my female executives has blown up with angry face emojis. Women are very upset about the recent resignations of Jacinda Ardern, prime minister of New Zealand, Nicola Sturgeon, prime minister of Scotland, and Susan Wojcicki, the CEO of Youtube. In France last fall, another female leader, Catherine Gouillard, CEO of Paris public transport, also stepped down. All of these women cited personal reasons and pursuing a more fulfilling and whole life as part of their reasons for stepping down.
The fact that prominent and successful women are breaking up with corporates and governments plants a seed of doubt on whether organizations really give women the tools to succeed on their own terms. Undoubtedly, having less amazing women in positions of political or business power leaves a void for future generations of girls to see themselves reflected in these roles.
At the risk of rustling a few feathers, I'd like to flip this narrative on its head. What if the lesson we should harness from the great female resignation goes beyond the lack of support from patriarchal systems for female leadership but is actually about redefining leadership all together? Perhaps, what we should note is that these women are not bowing to the traditional definitions of success and are actually redefining leadership, by carving their own path, searching for their fulfillment and honoring their own well-being.
What these women show us is that female leaders are brave. They don't have to follow a pre-ordained road to success. These leaders are multifaceted and multitalented, their leadership skills are NOT restricted to one line of work. They prioritise living a meaningful and whole life; they want to grow as human beings, way beyond some corporate title or socially acceptable position of power.
We need to celebrate these women for having broken the glass ceiling and then, having shattered the mold with their choices.
How do we define success? As a society, we recognize success with promotions, awards, trophies, fortune, celebrity, "C" titles, etc. We “ouuu” and ‘ahhh’ at the myriad of titles on people’s Linkedin profiles. Does that mean that those who have worked just as hard, who are just as talented but don’t have the accolades to prove it aren’t successful? I refuse to believe that!
I strongly feel that we ALL have the capacity to be extraordinary, with or without the Olympic medal to our name. Success should be defined by a willingness to bring your unique talents to the table, by working hard and contributing, by being true to yourself and by your positive impact on others.
Jacinda, Nicola, Susan, Catherine and countless other people are showing us that success is personal, that there is no predetermined path. If life’s setbacks have made you a better person, if you picked yourself up after facing challenges that knocked you down, if you’ve gone out of your way to help others grow, if you lead with empathy, if you contribute to society, your community, your household, having a positive effect on those around you, then you have impact and that is my definition of success.

Practicing regular self-care can be the secret to your success. Anything you do that boosts your self-confidence and improves your physical and mental health will lower your stress levels, make you more focused and increase your ability and desire to achieve whatever you set your heart on. ❤️
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